It’s all already deleted

Stanislav Setinský and Ašta šmé

Tereza knows almost nothing about her history, and as far back as she can remember, she has been living happily in her adoptive family of a piano teacher and an evangelic pastor. The problems begin at school. Tereza has difficulty studying, which she is not very good at, and with her classmates, who refuse to accept her because she is a gypsy. With the loving support of her family, Tereza overcomes all of that.

But now puberty is getting closer, and Tereza is grappling with who she is. For the first time she meets other Roma, and is able to answer the question of why she has stayed away from them. She starts to party, falls in love for the first time. And then the troubles start…

Tereza is twenty-four and together we explore her life year by year. Aside from the nice moments, we also find out about the troubles encountered by children who, the same way as Tereza, spent their early childhood in institutional care.



Showcase: It’s all already deleted


Supported by a grant from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.
Co-financed with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Prague.